Children’s workshop
„Добриот маркетинг прави компанијата да изгледа добро. Одличниот маркетинг прави купувачот да се чувствува паметно“. Водени од овој цитат на Joe Chernov нашата маркетинг мисија е да изградиме цврсти врси со вашите потрошувачи, врски кои се базирани на меѓусебна доверба.
Event management
If the visitors of some event don’t talk about it while leaving the event, it is as if it never happened. Do not organize an event only so that you can say that you have done that, or just to spend the budget intended for it.
Team building activities
Team building virtuosos! Our expert staff will carefully listen to your corporate goals and custom your team building event with a strong mix of cerebral, physical and fun challenges strengthening key competences with a creative flair, genuine enthusiasm and flawless implementation.
“A brand is to a company what reputation is to a person”. Branding is a serious, yet a fun thing at the same time. Observing the rules, but bypassing them as well. Normality and lucidity fused as one.
Graphic Design
We create solutions which correspond to the needs of the clients and improve their everyday life and work. Functional design is key in the communication between brands and customers. We always focus on encouraging our clients to create products with recognizable packaging which has its own identity. And let’s not kid ourselves, design and packaging is what sells the product.
Digital marketing
In an era of fake news and online frauds, we create relevant content for all platforms. Whether informative, educational, or entertainment, the strategically conceptualized content always brings new value to the users and brands.
Public relations
The goal of public relations is not to hide the truth, but to present it in a good way. The sincere and regular communication with the customers, the community and the employees are the foundation of the house called “successful business”.
Marketing strategies
“Good marketing makes a company look good . Great marketing makes the customer feel smart. “ Led by this quote by Joe Chernov, our marketing mission is to build strong connections with your customers, connections based on mutual trust.